Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Sound of a Broken Heart

Making new friends isn't easy. Keeping friends is even more difficult. Putting it all out there, trusting, having faith in another person, it's all very confusing and takes work - sometimes a lot of effort, sometimes very little effort. Loving someone, on the other hand, seems so easy for me, though.  I'm not talking about being in love, or falling in love, with someone. Just loving someone, wanting nothing but happiness, joy, peace and love for them, no matter where they are in life. When people treat you like crap, it's not because they love you. Sometimes it's not even personal, this is just the way they treat people for whatever reason. Regardless, this can be a hard pill to swallow.

When I give someone all of the love that I can and they turn away from me, often it's because they don't feel worthy of the love that I am giving them. They don't feel that they deserve to be loved; instead they feel that they deserve to be treated like crap by someone that doesn't love them. It breaks my heart every time, not for my sake but for their sake. My heart breaks for them and I cry tears of sadness for them, that they are in such a state of mind that they are not accepting of and open to receiving love. I'm not asking everyone to love me in return. I'm asking them to love themselves and know that they are worthy and deserving of the love that I am, and others that respect them are, willing to give them.

I was listening to the radio today and a song by Brandi Carlile came on - The Things I Regret. I found the words to this song moving and they gave me a new perspective about something. In particular it was the following lyrics:
But I keep pressing forward with my feet to the ground, for a heart that is broken makes a beautiful sound.
So often we try to get over, ignore or forget the painful emotions that we experience, one being heartbreak.  The lines above from Brandi Carlile's song makes me think of embracing the feeling of a broken heart, listening to the sound of your heart no matter the state of your mind. A broken heart can be painful but it can also be empowering, mind-opening and hold valuable lessons. These lines spoke to me today when I heard them and I hope that they speak to you. Hear the sound of your broken heart (or your anger, sadness, frustration, confusion, etc.) and listen to that sound. That sound will guide you to a happier state of being, though it might not feel like it at the time.

Love has no limits.
Love is never-ending.
Love is all encompassing.
Love knows no boundaries.
Love shows no shame.
Love is. It just is.

1 comment:

  1. well written Rianna- I would have liked to have seen more to the ending as I felt like I was left hanging somehow. you captivated me into reading it.
    Here is a link to check out- Aliza got accepted a few months ago- your writings are special.\
