I finally made it in to a Saturday morning yoga class, perhaps my second Saturday since I started Kundalini Yoga, but I'm pretty sure it was my first. I've had a lot on my mind lately (but what else is new right?). I've been back at work for a month now and it has been a hellish time. Barely a day goes by that I'm not called into my manager's office and I think this past week may have been the very first week that I didn't cry at my desk or have a meltdown at home due to work shit.
Add to that all the normal stuff that I have on my plate (nurturing old and new relationships, Soroptimists, yoga, piano, music history, appointments, etc) and it has made for a...well...um...chaotic month, to say the least. I went to yoga today to make up for one of the 2 classes I have missed. And I'm very glad that I rolled myself out of bed and into my yoga clothes this morning.
I was awakened in the wee hours of the morning and ended up staying awake for 2 hours thinking. Just thinking. About things that are happening and the people that are in my life right now. I'm big on learning lessons from the good and the not-so-good experiences, as I'm sure you are aware of by now if you've been following me thus far. My thoughts during my brief bout of insomnia last night came up again during yoga. During a particular pose we were asked to give ourselves a little prayer, for whatever it is we need in life right now. Immediately, I knew what I needed. Or I thought I did. I prayed for myself to do more of the things I enjoy doing, to spend time with more of the people I enjoy being around, those things and people that make me happy. I prayed for myself to ACTUALLY ENJOY doing those things, to ACTUALLY ENJOY spending time with the people in my life that mean so much to me. This led me to pray for what I really needed: more patience — more patience with myself and more patience with others. Things can go slow and it will still be okay. Things can be unplanned and it will still be okay. Appreciate the pace of life, no matter what. Appreciate those impromptu moments, no matter what. Put the anxiety and expectations aside and BE THERE. Be there for myself, be there for others.
I give you my word, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere no matter the pace of life. Those of you that are beside me, please know that I am beside you, also. Those of you that haven't left me when I've given ample reason and opportunity for you to leave my side, know that I will not leave you even if you give me ample reason and opportunity to leave. Being able to give my word to those I love and that love me is what brought me to tears at yoga today during my prayer for myself and again during final meditation. So many people have come into my life to give me the gift of patience and I have walked away, whether from impatience, heartbreak or whatever reason. This time, I want to accept the gift of patience and return this gift into all of my relationships, ten-fold. I deserve it and you deserve it.
"Above all be true to yourself. If you cannot put your heart into it, take yourself out of it." - Unknown (tinybuddha.com)
And while you are being true to yourself, here are some yoga poses to try. As always, please consult with a health practitioner before commencing any sort of exercise regime. And don't blame me if you hurt yourself being silly and trying to do yoga poses without proper instruction or forethought.
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