Monday, August 12, 2013

Looking for Help? You Don't Need to Look in Your Wallet!

In the many conversations that I have had with friends, family, co-workers and acquaintances over the years one thing has continuously come up. I thought I would share my findings with you as there may be more people out there that aren't aware of this. Here in Ontario you DO NOT have to pay for most types of counselling.

I'm sure that there are specific kinds of counsellors and programs that do cost but in all my years of treatment (and it's been a lot of years, a lot of doctors, a lot of referrals, a lot of counsellors, a lot of psychiatrists…you get my drift) I have NEVER had to pay a cent. This is one of the reasons that we pay provincial taxes! Granted our mental health care system is lagging far behind our physical health care system, which itself isn't that great, but there are options available to get you the help that you need. If you don't have an Employee Assistance Plan to hook you up with a counsellor there are numbers to call to speak with professionals who will get you the help that you need. Heck you can even drop me a line and I will pass on all my wisdom and advice that I have learned over the years that I don't use for myself. Just kidding, I do use it. Not as often as I should, though.

So to anyone out there in Blog Land who thinks that you are alone and things will never get better, that there is no one to talk to, that no one cares, remember this post. There are people and facilities to help you out at no cost to you. There are people that care. Even though I don't know who is out there reading this, I care about you. You are reading this blog for a reason whether it's because you know me or just to be a silent friend and read what goes on in my life in the hopes of helping yourself or a loved one.

Be well, my friends. Be safe and be strong. When in doubt, practice Random Acts of Kindness! And please don't be scared to ask for help. I will be there in spirit right beside you.

Some links you may find useful: